Feuerplatten-Flammkuchen mit Grillgemüse und Zi...
Grillen ist längst nicht mehr nur eine Domäne für Fleischliebhaber – auch auf der Feuerplatte lassen sich kreative und vegetarische Köstlichkeiten zubereiten. Knusprig dünner Teig, cremiger Belag und aromatische Toppings...
Feuerplatten-Flammkuchen mit Grillgemüse und Ziegenkäse
Grillen ist längst nicht mehr nur eine Domäne für Fleischliebhaber – auch auf der Feuerplatte lassen sich kreative und vegetarische Köstlichkeiten zubereiten. Knusprig dünner Teig, cremiger Belag und aromatische Toppings...
Gegrilltes Kabeljaufilet mit Cocktailtomaten
Frischer Fisch, aromatische Kräuter und knuspriges Ciabatta - unkomplizierter kann Genuss nicht sein! Mit dem FENNEK 2.0 und der Plancha gelingt dieses Rezept kinderleicht. Hol dir mediterranes Flair direkt auf...
Gegrilltes Kabeljaufilet mit Cocktailtomaten
Frischer Fisch, aromatische Kräuter und knuspriges Ciabatta - unkomplizierter kann Genuss nicht sein! Mit dem FENNEK 2.0 und der Plancha gelingt dieses Rezept kinderleicht. Hol dir mediterranes Flair direkt auf...
Perfekt gegrillter Räucherlachs auf dem Gasgrill
Räucherlachs auf dem Gasgrill – eine köstliche und einfache Art, Lachs mit rauchigem Aroma zu genießen. Mit der FENNEK Räucherbox gelingt dir dieser feine Genuss im Handumdrehen. Das zarte, aromatisierte...
Perfekt gegrillter Räucherlachs auf dem Gasgrill
Räucherlachs auf dem Gasgrill – eine köstliche und einfache Art, Lachs mit rauchigem Aroma zu genießen. Mit der FENNEK Räucherbox gelingt dir dieser feine Genuss im Handumdrehen. Das zarte, aromatisierte...
Rustikales Pulled Pork aus dem Hobo-Kocher: Ein...
Entdecke die Freuden des Outdoor-Kochens mit unserem Rezept für Pulled Pork, das direkt über einem Hobo-Kocher zubereitet wird. Dieses Gericht vereint tiefe Aromen und die Einfachheit der Zubereitung. Ideal für...
Rustikales Pulled Pork aus dem Hobo-Kocher: Ein Outdoor-Kochabenteuer
Entdecke die Freuden des Outdoor-Kochens mit unserem Rezept für Pulled Pork, das direkt über einem Hobo-Kocher zubereitet wird. Dieses Gericht vereint tiefe Aromen und die Einfachheit der Zubereitung. Ideal für...
Honig-Knoblauch-Hühnchen auf dem Schwenkgrill
Lust auf ein neues Highlight für deine Grillfeste? Probiere unser Rezept für saftiges Hühnchen, verfeinert mit süßem Honig und würzigem Knoblauch. Kombiniert mit einem Hauch Ingwer und Sesam, bringt dieses Rezept...
Honig-Knoblauch-Hühnchen auf dem Schwenkgrill
Lust auf ein neues Highlight für deine Grillfeste? Probiere unser Rezept für saftiges Hühnchen, verfeinert mit süßem Honig und würzigem Knoblauch. Kombiniert mit einem Hauch Ingwer und Sesam, bringt dieses Rezept...
Halber Rinderrippenbogen im Asado-Style
Genieße ein Stück echter Gaucho-Küche mit unserem Rezept für halben Rinderrippenbogen im Asado-Style! Die Rinderrippe wird langsam über offenem Feuer gegart und entfaltet dabei einen intensiven, rauchigen Geschmack, der perfekt...
Halber Rinderrippenbogen im Asado-Style
Genieße ein Stück echter Gaucho-Küche mit unserem Rezept für halben Rinderrippenbogen im Asado-Style! Die Rinderrippe wird langsam über offenem Feuer gegart und entfaltet dabei einen intensiven, rauchigen Geschmack, der perfekt...
Roadkill Chicken on a fire bowl with flame salm...
Embark on a culinary adventure with this impressive barbecue recipe that promises crispy skin and juicy meat, ideal for outdoor cooking sessions and impressive dinner events. Ingredients: 1 whole chicken...
Roadkill Chicken on a fire bowl with flame salmon holder
Embark on a culinary adventure with this impressive barbecue recipe that promises crispy skin and juicy meat, ideal for outdoor cooking sessions and impressive dinner events. Ingredients: 1 whole chicken...
Heavenly cinnamon rolls from the fire bowl
Immerse yourself in the pleasure of outdoor baking with our heavenly cinnamon rolls, freshly prepared in the FENNEK Hexagon fire bowl . These cinnamon rolls combine the classic comfort of...
Heavenly cinnamon rolls from the fire bowl
Immerse yourself in the pleasure of outdoor baking with our heavenly cinnamon rolls, freshly prepared in the FENNEK Hexagon fire bowl . These cinnamon rolls combine the classic comfort of...
Aromatic Chicken Shashlik
Treat yourself and your guests to this fantastic chicken shashlik prepared on the FENNEK 2.0 . This dish brings together the best of juicy chicken, fresh vegetables and a rich,...
Aromatic Chicken Shashlik
Treat yourself and your guests to this fantastic chicken shashlik prepared on the FENNEK 2.0 . This dish brings together the best of juicy chicken, fresh vegetables and a rich,...
Irish Tomahawk steak with side dishes
Immerse yourself in the world of fine dining with our Irish Tomahawk steak recipe, served with grilled vegetables and crispy roasted potatoes, finished with a fresh chimichurri sauce. This menu...
Irish Tomahawk steak with side dishes
Immerse yourself in the world of fine dining with our Irish Tomahawk steak recipe, served with grilled vegetables and crispy roasted potatoes, finished with a fresh chimichurri sauce. This menu...
Samshed Bacon Onion Ring Burger on the Fire Pla...
Add that extra something to your barbecue with this irresistible Smashed Bacon Onion Ring Burger, expertly prepared on a fire plate . This recipe combines the smoky flavor of crispy...
Samshed Bacon Onion Ring Burger on the Fire Plate - A Gourmet Grilling Experience
Add that extra something to your barbecue with this irresistible Smashed Bacon Onion Ring Burger, expertly prepared on a fire plate . This recipe combines the smoky flavor of crispy...
Authentic salsiccia on the fire plate – Italian...
Bring the taste of Italy to your garden with this authentic and tasty salsiccia recipe, perfectly prepared on a fire plate . These spicy Italian sausages are a classic and...
Authentic salsiccia on the fire plate – Italian barbecue pleasure
Bring the taste of Italy to your garden with this authentic and tasty salsiccia recipe, perfectly prepared on a fire plate . These spicy Italian sausages are a classic and...
Elegant black tiger prawns on the fire plate
Enhance your outdoor dinner with a touch of elegance and a firework of flavors. These deliciously marinated black tiger prawns , prepared on a fire plate , combine the sweet...
Elegant black tiger prawns on the fire plate
Enhance your outdoor dinner with a touch of elegance and a firework of flavors. These deliciously marinated black tiger prawns , prepared on a fire plate , combine the sweet...
The 6-course menu for the fire plate for grilli...
Only your imagination sets limits - the 6-course menu for the fire plate for grilling afterwards! Welcome to a delicious menu from the fire plate! With these recipes you can...
The 6-course menu for the fire plate for grilling afterwards!
Only your imagination sets limits - the 6-course menu for the fire plate for grilling afterwards! Welcome to a delicious menu from the fire plate! With these recipes you can...
Make your own flame-grilled salmon – a simple r...
Discover how to prepare flame-grilled salmon in a fire bowl over an open fire. This simple recipe takes you step by step through the preparation and gives you tips for...
Make your own flame-grilled salmon – a simple recipe for barbecue fans.
Discover how to prepare flame-grilled salmon in a fire bowl over an open fire. This simple recipe takes you step by step through the preparation and gives you tips for...
Authentic Birria Tacos – A Mexican barbecue on ...
Immerse yourself in the rich flavors of Mexico with our authentic Birria Tacos prepared on the FENNEK 4Fire over the Hexagon fire bowl . This traditional dish combines tender, slow-cooked...
Authentic Birria Tacos – A Mexican barbecue on the Hexagon fire bowl
Immerse yourself in the rich flavors of Mexico with our authentic Birria Tacos prepared on the FENNEK 4Fire over the Hexagon fire bowl . This traditional dish combines tender, slow-cooked...
Perfect spice mix for flame-grilled salmon – si...
Are you looking for a special spice mix for your flame-grilled salmon ? Here is the perfect recipe for up to 1.5 kg of flame-grilled salmon to make your next...
Perfect spice mix for flame-grilled salmon – simple instructions
Are you looking for a special spice mix for your flame-grilled salmon ? Here is the perfect recipe for up to 1.5 kg of flame-grilled salmon to make your next...
Delicious suckling pig from the FENNEK Asado cross
Are you ready to spoil your guests with an impressive dish? With our FENNEK Asado Cross , a fire bowl and this recipe, you can conjure up a delicious suckling...
Delicious suckling pig from the FENNEK Asado cross
Are you ready to spoil your guests with an impressive dish? With our FENNEK Asado Cross , a fire bowl and this recipe, you can conjure up a delicious suckling...
Tom and Jerry Steak
Discover how to make the perfect Tom and Jerry steak on the swivel grill Our detailed recipe will guide you step by step to a juicy, perfectly grilled steak. Ideal...
Tom and Jerry Steak
Discover how to make the perfect Tom and Jerry steak on the swivel grill Our detailed recipe will guide you step by step to a juicy, perfectly grilled steak. Ideal...
Beach Burger
So what has been happening on the Costa del Sol this summer? For those who don't know: the Costa del Sol is a stretch of coast in the south of...
Beach Burger
So what has been happening on the Costa del Sol this summer? For those who don't know: the Costa del Sol is a stretch of coast in the south of...
Heart pizza
With our pizza stone you can make the perfect crispy pizza at home! Discover how to make a delicious pizza with this recipe. Ingredients for the pizza dough for two...
Heart pizza
With our pizza stone you can make the perfect crispy pizza at home! Discover how to make a delicious pizza with this recipe. Ingredients for the pizza dough for two...
Stuffed potatoes with mountain cheese and bacon
Enjoy stuffed potatoes with mountain cheese and bacon grilled with the FENNEK Light - a delicious taste experience! Find out here how to prepare this hearty delicacy. Ingredients: 4 potatoes...
Stuffed potatoes with mountain cheese and bacon
Enjoy stuffed potatoes with mountain cheese and bacon grilled with the FENNEK Light - a delicious taste experience! Find out here how to prepare this hearty delicacy. Ingredients: 4 potatoes...
Heart sausages with fried egg
You Do you want to surprise your loved ones at breakfast? Then try heart sausages with fried eggs grilled on the plancha of the FENNEK grill . Ingredients: sausages (preferably...
Heart sausages with fried egg
You Do you want to surprise your loved ones at breakfast? Then try heart sausages with fried eggs grilled on the plancha of the FENNEK grill . Ingredients: sausages (preferably...
Lamb salmon with fried potatoes and grilled veg...
Welcome to our simple and delicious recipe for lamb loin with fried potatoes and grilled vegetables on the FENNEK 2.0 . This dish offers a harmonious combination of juicy lamb...
Lamb salmon with fried potatoes and grilled vegetables
Welcome to our simple and delicious recipe for lamb loin with fried potatoes and grilled vegetables on the FENNEK 2.0 . This dish offers a harmonious combination of juicy lamb...